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Improving health outcomes for disabled people

Applications open later in 2025

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older people in a garden
older people in a garden

Apply to access funds from The Health Lottery Foundation if you are a voluntary organisation that supports disabled people

lady sat with a laptop

We are interested in supporting voluntary organisations that specifically offer health and wellbeing programmes to disabled people. Equally, we would like to hear from projects that want to build inclusivity into their existing programmes by making adjustments to their approach. We will consider supporting organisation who are:

  • Running programmes that promote fitness and physical activity for disabled people.
  • Offering emotional support and counselling to disabled people and their families.

We would love to hear from projects that currently support disabled people and those who would like to improve what they can offer.

Please sign up to our mailing list to be alerted as soon as our grant window opens. We look forward to hearing about the vital work you are doing in your area.

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Project themes that can be funded through The Health Lottery Foundation